GO: Men's Study DVD

Every day we either go closer toward being the men whom God has called us to be or farther away.

In this four-week men's study we invite you to explore the key issues that keep us from the narrow road—including what we believe about God, how we interact with others, the fight to be independent, and avoiding the sins that threaten to take us off course.

  • Week 1: On Ramp with Patrick Morley
  • Week 2: Merging Lanes with Pete Alwinson
  • Week 3: Navigation with Brett Clemmer
  • Week 4: Potholes & Guardrails with Collin Outerbridge

For Leaders: Find out how this study fits into a process to jumpstart your ministry to men: GO BOX: Jumpstart Your Ministry to Men

For bulk or international orders, please contact Man in the Mirror at [email protected]